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Healthcare where you are, when you need it

Specialist private Doctors on-call for
home visits, telephone, and
FaceTime appointments.

Flexible healthcare tailored 
to your lifestyle

At Medivisit, we understand the fast-paced nature of your life.
While we offer the convenience of home visits, we also provide video and 
telephone consultations, ensuring you get the most effective healthcare that suits your schedule. Your well-being is our priority, offering you flexibility and choice in how you receive personalised care.

Our highly experienced Doctors are used by families, PAs, VIPs and international clientele.

Private Home Visits

Video Consultations

Telephone Visits


Our highly experienced doctors can help you with all your day-to-day healthcare needs. We offer both Adult and Child consultations.

Health Checks

Heart rate

Blood pressure


Oxygen saturations

Clinical examination


Preliminary diagnosis
Quick specialist referrals


Blood, urine and other tests
Prompt diagnostic tests
(X-ray, CT,MRI)
Cancer screening, results and testing

Medications & referrals

Immediate private prescriptions
Rapid referrals
Same day sick notes
Specialist wound care

Patient family member

“Thanks so much for what you did for my son, I cannot forget what you did for us if you hadn’t of been so committed and kind, I am sure it would’ve taken longer getting to see a surgeon”

Book an appointment

To book an appointment you can call us or leave a message through our contact form. Our team are on hand 365 days a week to discuss your needs.

0208 777 777

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If you have a medical emergency

Please do not wait for an appointment if you have a medical emergency. Call 999 or go to A&E immediately if safe to do so.

Emergencies include but are not limited to:
Chest pain
Stroke signs and symptoms
Breathing difficulties
Loss of consciousness
Heavy bleeding

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